Are you concerned your partner might stray?
If your boyfriend is tall or goes by the name Wayne, you may have cause for concern.
According to a number of recent studies, there are several different types of men who are more likely to cheat on their partners.
Although predicting who will cheat is not an exact science, if your boyfriend fits in to one of the following categories you may want to keep a more watchful eye on him.
Related Story: 4 Reasons Why He Will Not Cheat On You
- Husbands of a female breadwinner: A study by the American Sociological Association found husbands who are 100% financially dependent on their wives are most likely to cheat, while the opposite was true for women who were 100% dependent on their husbands.
- Tall men: According to the British dating site Illicit Encounters, men who are over 5’10” are two times more likely to cheat.
- Rock music fans: Illicit Encounters also noted 41% of people who admitted to being in an extramarital affair were rock music fans.
- IT nerds: An Ashley Madison survey found men who worked in IT were more likely to be unfaithful.
- Age ending in nine: This one may seem a bit out there, but according to a study found in the Proceedings of the Natural Academy of Sciences, people whose age ended in a nine were more likely to be unfaithful. Researchers theorized this was because people were entering a new decade and a new stage in their lives are prone for bouts of spontaneity and risk.
- Older than 55: According to a study from the Institute for Family Studies, adults over the age of 55 are cheating on their partners at a higher rate than younger married couples. In fact, 20% of married people over 55 said they had engaged in extramarital sex, while only 14% of younger couples had.
- French: Sex brand Lelo said 75% of the French people they surveyed admitted to having an affair.
- Facebook users: A recent Ashley Madison study said those in an extramarital affair preferred to use Facebook to engage with their partners. According to the study, 33.6% preferred Facebook, 28.4% used Instagram and 22.7% liked Twitter exchanges.
- Wayne: Men named Wayne may not be cheaters, but according to 2,000 women surveyed by, they are untrustworthy.
- Men with cats: Dogs are known to be loyal, and apparently their owners are too. The same can’t be said for men who chose to have a feline friend. According to Illicit Encounters, 25% of the extramarital affair website’s users are cat owners.
Article came courtesy of The Toronto Sun