5 Best Ways To Keep Your Office Desk Clutter-Free
The office desk is a place that you are going to spend a lot of time in. This means that ...

5 Turn Offs for Potential Home Buyers
Selling your home is not only about the location of your place and the dimensions of the property. In most ...

5 Helpful Tips to Maintaining Your HVAC System
Amongst the most important things to maintain in your home is your HVAC system. This keeps it functioning at its ...

How to Choose a Contractor for your Home Improvement Projects
Home improvement projects are laudable projects to enhance the functionality, aesthetics, and value of your home. Considering your goals for ...

How Toronto Condo Prices Compare to Other Big Cities
Have you been planning to buy a house? If yes, there are changes you must understand first. For instance, with ...

You won’t Believe the Size of these 3 Animals
The Titan Longhorn Beetle This insect can grow as big as 6.6 inches and it truly looks terrifying, especially if ...

5 Ways to Get More Leads for your Company
Getting new clients for you business can be very difficult, especially if your product or service has a long sales ...

Top 5 Banquet Halls in Mississauga
Are you looking for a banquet hall in Mississauga to host your next wedding, social event, or corporate event? We’ve ...

Summer Annual Festivals and Events 2018
Experiential marketing, also called participation marketing, is a more evolved way of advertising in which companies try to get their ...

5 Very Different Wedding Destination Locations
Congratulations on making the next step in your life, marriage! The first and most crucial step, is deciding on where ...

Best Italian Dishes That You Probably Haven’t Tried
Itаlіаn сuіѕіnе needs no introduction. It’ѕ fаmоuѕ аrоund the wоrld, fоr all the rіght rеаѕоnѕ. We love thеіr раѕtа, their ...

New rules of building your own small business
The old rules of building a small business no longer apply In the late 70’s my father migrated to the ...

Where to Vacation Post Hurricane Irma
For most people the leaves changing color from green to bright reds, oranges, and yellows represents the start of fall, ...

Grandfather placed an $80 bet on his grandson
Why did a grandfather place an $80 bet on his grandson? Peter Edwards placed an $80 bet that his 3 ...

Student mistakenly receives $1 million USD student grant
A student in South Africa normally received the US equivalent of $100 monthly as a University food grant. In June, ...

Amazon cutting prices at Whole Foods as early as Monday
In a press release on Thursday, Amazon said that the takeover of Whole Foods will close on Monday and that ...

How Diseases Are “Sold” in Order to Sell Drugs
Did you ever wonder why new medications so often debut right after awareness of the condition they treat increases? It ...

Man Caught Smuggling drugs Into the US Via Drone
A 25-year-old U.S. citizen has been charged with using a drone to smuggle more than 13 pounds (5.9 kilograms) of ...

10,000 eggs used to make giant omelette at Belgium Festival
MALMEDY, Belgium — Defying rain and a tainted egg scandal that has shaken European consumers, a Belgian town has turned ...

AMC to $9.99-per-month MoviePass: ‘Not welcome here’
If MoviePass sounded too good to be true when it offered unlimited movie tickets for $50 per month back in ...

Usain Bolt’s final race ended with an unexpected injury, but he’s still a legend
This wasn't supposed to be how it ended. What should have been a triumphant finish to a momentous career ended ...

Woman with one arm has hilarious Tinder profile
We've got to hand it to her, this woman has a hilariously charming Tinder profile. Lauren, a 21-year-old from California ...

Truck Full of Frozen Pizza Spills over Freeway
A highway in Arkansas was shut down for four hours so crew could clean up a pizza mess. An 18-wheeler ...

The world’s most automated country moves toward setting a ‘robot tax’
Amid fears about robots replacing human jobs, South Korea could become the first country in the world to introduce a ...

Why #AintNoCinderella with selfies after midnight is trending in India
Varnika Kundu, barely escaped after she was chased around on the roads by two men in an SUV in Chandigarh, ...

Top North American Cities to Visit that Happen to have a Casino
If your primary intention is to gamble with a secondary intention to vacation, then Las Vegas will always be your ...

Three Greek islands that will blow you away
When I think of Greek islands, the first three that come to mind are: Santorini, Mykonos and Rhodes. It seems ...

Creative Street Art that Will Blow You Away
It's one thing to do street art, it is another thing altogether to use existing elements to complement street art ...

Trump called the White House ‘a dump’
The White House ― the storied, 55,000-square-foot mansion that’s housed America’s first families for centuries ― is apparently not up ...

Passenger holding a baby gets punched trying to board a plane
I wonder if, at this point, airplane passengers are more afraid of turbulence or being assaulted by an airport/airline employee ...

Grandpas smoking weed for the first time is as hilarious as it sounds
Thanks to a handful of states legalizing recreational cannabis in recent years, people can finally consume marijuana after decades of ...

A photographer’s decades-long quest to capture the beauty and grandeur of sharks
Brian Skerry encountered his first shark underwater one afternoon in 1982, in the cool green waters off Rhode Island The ...

Jimmy Kimmel tweets update on 3-month-old son, calls for action on healthcare
Months after revealing his newborn son's diagnosis with a serious heart condition, Jimmy Kimmel says that little Billy is "doing ...

Miracle of Eden: 2-Year-Old’s Incredible Recovery From Crippling Brain Damage
After six years of trying, Kristal and Chris Carlson had already given up on having another baby. They already had ...

22 Funny Signs That Failed
1. Well that was clear https://instagram.com/p/BOvEEcZDRX8/ 2. Sounds like a challenge https://instagram.com/p/BOvE5f5DKS8/ 3. I guess exceptions can be made https://instagram.com/p/BQ6-NPxD2YP/ ...

Dog saves baby deer from drowning
A New York man, Mark Freely, and his golden retriever are being credited for saving a baby deer in Long ...

Ice cream-stealing baby won’t let grandma get a taste
Give a baby food, and there will be a mess. Give a baby an ice cream cone? Forget it. Get ...

Woman with 27 contact lenses in her eye probably set some kind of record, right?
As a person with nearly perfect vision (not trying to brag, I swear), the thought of a morning routine that ...

Trump hires a man with the most magnificent mustache to defend him against Russia accusations
I dare say, I won’t stand for all of you besmirching my client, Mr. Trump. To get to him, you’ll ...

Chocolate candy used to blow up objects
The Slo Mo Guys use a compressed air cannon to shoot Malteser chocolate and blow objects up. The speed of ...

It took less than a week for Nevada to start running out of legal marijuana
That was quick. It's been less than a week since Nevada started selling recreational marijuana and the state's dispensaries are ...

Funny videos on YouTube this week
We've rounded up some of the funniest videos uploaded onto YouTube this week. Hi, I'm Steve First up, meet Steve ...

Summers in Madrid could be as hot as those in Erbil, Iraq by 2100, research shows
Summers in Paris could feel as sweltering as those in Fez, Morocco, by the end of this century if greenhouse ...

5 secrets of top wingmen that can help you help your friends find love
We all know our friends are sometimes far better at picking dates for us than we are for ourselves. But ...

SpaceX rocket lands in swimming pool in Apple ARKit-powered augmented reality
We've seen Elon Musk's Tesla being virtually driven in augmented reality, so it's only right that we also get a ...

Twitter will be streaming action from Wimbledon 2017 this year
Twitter has been ramping up its video efforts in recent months and years, and has just inked a deal to ...